1. The apple of your eye - ძვირფასი არსება, როგორც თვალისჩინი The person who you are very fond of
E.g. Her baby daughter is the apple of her eye.
2. Go bananas - გაბრაზება, გადარევა
To become very angry, crazy or annoyed E.g. I’ll go bananas if I hear him cursing again.
3. A bite at the cherry - შესაძლებლობა, შანსი
An opportunity to achieve something:
E.g. She definitely wants a bite of the cherry.
4. Not give a fig - არ გაინტერესებდეს
Not to feel interested in something E.g. You can do what you want. I don’t give a fig.
5. Apples and oranges - განსხვავებული
To be different from each other E.g. My son and my daughter are just apples and oranges.
6. Lemon - მწყობრიდან გამოსული მანქანა A vehicle that does not work properly E.g. They sold me a lemon.
7. Peach - სასიამოვნო, კარგი, მშვენიერი A person or thing that is beautiful E.g. You brought me a gift? Ah, you're a peach.
8. Go pear-shaped - წარუმატებლობა, მარცხი To fail; to be unsuccessful E.g. What are we going to do this weekend if our plans go pear-shaped?
9. A plum job - ძალიან კარგი სამუშაოVery good job E.g. He got a plum job in Spain
10. The apple never falls far from the tree - შვილის მსგავსება მშობელთან To say that “the apple never falls far from the tree” is to suggest that a person’s personality traits are close to those of the person’s parents.E.g. Her daughter soon showed her own musical talent, proving that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
11. Bad apple (especially US) - კორუმპირებული, ბოროტი პიროვნება a person who is corrupt or wicked E.g. It is hoped the inquiry will pick out the bad apples in the police force.
12. Upset the apple cart - გეგმების ჩაშლაMeaning: To “upset the apple cart” is to ruin plans. E.g. Look, he's not trying to upset the apple cart—he just needs to meet latrine the day now, that's all.
13. Second banana - მეორე პირი, მთავარზე დაქვემდებარებული A “second banana” is a subordinate, and the “top banana” is the leader. E.g. I generally don't mind playing second banana when I'm with such a legendary comedian, but it would be nice to be the one getting all the laughs once in a while.
14. Top banana - ლიდერი, მთავარიThe “top banana” is the leader.E.g. You’ll have to ask the top banana. He’s out right now.
15. Life is a bowl of cherries - ცხოვრება მარტივიაMeaning: “Life is a bowl of cherries” means that life is easy.E.g. Life's not exactly a bowl of cherries when you're an international champ.
16. Cherry-pick - ფრთხილად, დაკვირვებით შერჩევაTo “cherry-pick” is to select carefully. E.g. I can't believe he left the company and then cherry-picked the best employee in my department!
17. Peaches and cream - ცხოვრება მშვენიერია When everything is “peaches and cream,” life is going well.E.g. I've heard that women in older times actually bathed with milk to maintain a peaches-and-cream complexion.
18. As American as apple pie - ამერიკული კულტურის და ღირებულების მთავარი წარმომადგენელი “As American as apple pie” means that something is quint essentially representative of American culture or values.E.g. Baseball is as American as apple pie.
19. Speak with a plum in (one's) mouth - მაღალი სოციალური წარმომადგენლებისთვის დამახასიათებელი ლაპარაკი To speak in a manner that is indicative of a high social class. Primarily heard in UK.E.g. He spoke with such a plum in his mouth that none of us working-class sods could stand to listen to him.
20. Sour grapes - კრიტიკა მოიწვდომელი სიამოვნებაზე One is said to have “sour grapes” when one be little something one covets but cannot obtain.E.g. Criticizing it is just sour grapes, but you still really want it.
E.g. Her baby daughter is the apple of her eye.
2. Go bananas - გაბრაზება, გადარევა
To become very angry, crazy or annoyed E.g. I’ll go bananas if I hear him cursing again.
3. A bite at the cherry - შესაძლებლობა, შანსი
An opportunity to achieve something:
E.g. She definitely wants a bite of the cherry.
4. Not give a fig - არ გაინტერესებდეს
Not to feel interested in something E.g. You can do what you want. I don’t give a fig.
5. Apples and oranges - განსხვავებული
To be different from each other E.g. My son and my daughter are just apples and oranges.
6. Lemon - მწყობრიდან გამოსული მანქანა A vehicle that does not work properly E.g. They sold me a lemon.
7. Peach - სასიამოვნო, კარგი, მშვენიერი A person or thing that is beautiful E.g. You brought me a gift? Ah, you're a peach.
8. Go pear-shaped - წარუმატებლობა, მარცხი To fail; to be unsuccessful E.g. What are we going to do this weekend if our plans go pear-shaped?
9. A plum job - ძალიან კარგი სამუშაოVery good job E.g. He got a plum job in Spain
10. The apple never falls far from the tree - შვილის მსგავსება მშობელთან To say that “the apple never falls far from the tree” is to suggest that a person’s personality traits are close to those of the person’s parents.E.g. Her daughter soon showed her own musical talent, proving that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
11. Bad apple (especially US) - კორუმპირებული, ბოროტი პიროვნება a person who is corrupt or wicked E.g. It is hoped the inquiry will pick out the bad apples in the police force.
12. Upset the apple cart - გეგმების ჩაშლაMeaning: To “upset the apple cart” is to ruin plans. E.g. Look, he's not trying to upset the apple cart—he just needs to meet latrine the day now, that's all.
13. Second banana - მეორე პირი, მთავარზე დაქვემდებარებული A “second banana” is a subordinate, and the “top banana” is the leader. E.g. I generally don't mind playing second banana when I'm with such a legendary comedian, but it would be nice to be the one getting all the laughs once in a while.
14. Top banana - ლიდერი, მთავარიThe “top banana” is the leader.E.g. You’ll have to ask the top banana. He’s out right now.
15. Life is a bowl of cherries - ცხოვრება მარტივიაMeaning: “Life is a bowl of cherries” means that life is easy.E.g. Life's not exactly a bowl of cherries when you're an international champ.
16. Cherry-pick - ფრთხილად, დაკვირვებით შერჩევაTo “cherry-pick” is to select carefully. E.g. I can't believe he left the company and then cherry-picked the best employee in my department!
17. Peaches and cream - ცხოვრება მშვენიერია When everything is “peaches and cream,” life is going well.E.g. I've heard that women in older times actually bathed with milk to maintain a peaches-and-cream complexion.
18. As American as apple pie - ამერიკული კულტურის და ღირებულების მთავარი წარმომადგენელი “As American as apple pie” means that something is quint essentially representative of American culture or values.E.g. Baseball is as American as apple pie.
19. Speak with a plum in (one's) mouth - მაღალი სოციალური წარმომადგენლებისთვის დამახასიათებელი ლაპარაკი To speak in a manner that is indicative of a high social class. Primarily heard in UK.E.g. He spoke with such a plum in his mouth that none of us working-class sods could stand to listen to him.
20. Sour grapes - კრიტიკა მოიწვდომელი სიამოვნებაზე One is said to have “sour grapes” when one be little something one covets but cannot obtain.E.g. Criticizing it is just sour grapes, but you still really want it.
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