Friday, November 15, 2019

Some common idioms

Driving nuts - making smb crazy - აგიჟებდე ვინმეს
Number is up - smb is going to die - დღეები დათვლილია
 Mileage may vary - smb may have different results - შესაძლოა სხვადასხვა შედეგი მიიღო
Your guess is as good as mine - I don't know - არ ვიცი
You snooze, you lose - if you delay, you miss opportunities - თუ შეყოვნდები, შესაძლებლობას ხელიდან გაუშვებ
You know the drill - you are already familiar with the procedure - უკვე იცნობ სიტუაციას, პროცედურებს
You can't make fish of one and fowl of the other - people must be treated equally - არ უნდა განასხვავო
You can take it to the bank - absolutely guaranteed - გარანტირებული
You can say that again - I totally agree - აბსოლიტურად გეთანხმები (არ თქვა, არ თქვა :)
Who is she, the cat's mother? - why does she have such a high opinion of herself? - რატომ აქვს თავის თავზე ასეთი დიდი წარმოდგენა?
When the chips are down - when a situation becomes urgent and difficult - როცა სიტუაცია საგანგებო და რთულია
When pigs fly - never  - არასოდეს, "როცა ვირი ხეზე გავა"
When it rains, it pours - problems tend to come in groups - ყველა პრობლემა ერთად იყრის თავს
When hell freezes over - never - არასოდეს
What do you make of him/her? - what is your evaluation of this person? - რას ფიქრობ მასზე?
Things may get out of hand - the situation may become difficult to control - შესაძლოა სიტუაცია ძნელი სამართავი გახდეს
The world is your oyster - you have many opportunities and choices - ბევრი შესაძლებლობები და არჩევანი გაქვს
The cat is out of the bag - the secret has been revealed - საიდუმლო გამჟღავნდა
That's all she wrote - this is the end of this story - სულ ესაა ყველაფერი
That's music to my ears - I am very happy to hear this - მიხარია ამის გაგება
That's corny - it is sentimental, old and not funny anymore - მოსაწყენი, სენტიმენტალური
TGIF - thank god it's Friday - let's be happy because the workweek is over - მადლობა ღმერთს,
She will dig in her heels - she won't compromise - არ დათმობს
I have had it up to here - my patience is almost exhausted - მოთმინება გამომელია
It is not rocket science - it is easy to understand - ადვილი გასაგები

Friday, November 8, 2019

Word Parts

Things you do

cede/ceed - go - proceed, recede, succeed, exceed, 

cred -belief - credit - credibility, credentials, credo
graph - write - autograph, biography, stenography
ject -throw - eject - inject, reject
mit/miss -send - emit, emission, emissary
mute - change - commute,
port - carry - deport, report, export, import, porter
rupt - break - erupt, eruption, rupture
scrib/scrip - write - describe, scribble
sect -cut - bisect, section, sector, intersect,
ven -come - intervene, prevent, avenue, revenue
ver -turn - divert, convert, avert, revert
viv -live - survive, revive, vivid, vivacious
cap - take by force - capture, captive


cir - around - circulate, circular, circumstances
ex - out - exit, expel,
in - in -  include, interior, inner, intention
re - back - return, reboot, restart
sub - under - subway, subterranean, subzero, submarine
tele - far - telephone, teleshopping, telecommunication
trans - across - transatlantic, transgender, transatlantic, transmission


ante - before - anterior, anteroom, antedate, antemeridian

fore - before - foretell, forecast, forehead, foreman
fin - end - finish, confine, define, definition, finance
pre - before - previous, prejudice, prevent, predict, prepare
post - after - postpone, postwar, postpone


geo - earth - geology, geography, geometry
terr - earth - territory, terrace, terrain
hydr - water - hydroplane, hydraulic, dehydration
aqua - water - aquamarine, aquatic, aqua puncture
astr -star - astronaut, astrophysics
pyr - fire - pyrotechnics


corp - body - corporation, corporate, corp
card - heart - cardiology, cardiovascular
derm - skin - dermatologist, trans-dermal
man - hand - manual, man-made, manipulation
dent - teeth - dentist, dental, denture
ped/pod - feet - pedestrian, pedicure, pedal
cap - head - captain, capital, capitalist, cap

Human States

am - love - amiable, amateur, Amanda
phil - love - Philadelphia, philodendron
bene - good - benefit, benefactor, beneficial
eu - good - euphemism,
mal - bad - malcontent, malfunction, malnutrition
dys - bad - dysfunction, dysrhythmia, dysentery
path - feeling - sympathy, empathy, apathy
mania - crazy - maniac, kleptomania, bibliomania
phobia - fear - claustrophobia, arachnophobia, homophobia
psycho - mind - psychology,
bio - life - biology, bioproducts
mor - death -  mortal, immortal


pater - father - patriarch
mater - mother - maternity
frater - brother - fraternal
domin - master - dominant
jud - judge - judgment
anthro - people - anthropology
demo - people - democracy


spec - see - spectator, spectacle, inspect
vis/vid - see - visit, video, visible
scope - see - telescope, scope
phon - hear - telephone
aud - hear -  audience, audible
dic - say - dictate,dictionary,dictation
loc/loq - speak - eloquent, loquacious


min- small - minimum, minimal

micro - small - microphone, microbiology
macro - large - macroeconomics
mega - large - megaphone, megalopolis
magn - large - magnify, magnet


ambi - both - ambivalent
multi - many - multiple, multi-functional
poly - many - polygon, polygamous
omni - all - omnipotent, omnibus
auto - self - automatic, automobile


sol - one - solo, soloist
uni - one - unique, universal
mono - one - monologue, monogamous
bi - two - bicycle, bilingual
du - two - duet, dual
tri - three - triple, triangle
quad - four - quadruplets, quadriplegic
oct - eight - octopus, octogenarian
dec - ten - decade, decimeter
cent - hundred - century
mil - thousand - millimeter, millennium
semi- haf - semifinal, semisweet, semitropical


anti - against - antiwar, anti-smoking

contra - against - contrast, contravention, contrast
miss - error - mistake, misspell, misunderstand
un - not - untrue, unbelievable, unreliable
dis - not - dislike, distrust, disbelieve,
im - not - imperfect, impossible, immortal
il - illegal - illegible, illegitimate
in - not - incorrect, incompetent
ir - not - irregular, irresponsible